We Can't Do It Without You!
Your charitable contributions support and enable the Southern Door Community Auditorium to showcase amazing, innovative, and professional performances. Become a donor, event sponsor, or season supporter and know you’ve made a meaningful contribution to the arts, quality of life, and educational opportunities in our community. Every amount helps!
Gifts made in support of the Southern Door Community Auditorium are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Two Ways to Contribute:
Donate online (fill out form information below)
Mail a check made payable to ‘SDCA’ to: Southern Door Community Auditorium, 2073 County Road DK, Brussels, WI 54204.
For further information about charitable giving, general support, event sponsorship, and marketing opportunities at SDCA, please contact Cory Vandertie at cvandertie@sdsd.k12.wi.us
Be an Usher
The Southern Door Community Auditorium Needs You!
Our volunteer ushers play a significant role at the Southern Door Community Auditorium. Our Ushers assist at events by welcoming patrons, scanning tickets, assisting in finding seats, helping with concessions and knowing emergency procedures. Our ushers are extremely valuable to our community auditorium.
YOU are invited to be a part of our Usher Team
It's easy! You can sign up to request being an usher for whichever events interest you the most. Usher spots are filled on a first-come, first served basis. Click HERE to sign up today!
Thank You to Our Sponsors
This Performing Arts Series is generously supported by the contributors listed below. Their support helps underwrite programming expenses, allowing us to bring in top talent while also keeping ticket prices lower for our community members to experience the best in entertainment locally at the Southern Door Community Auditorium.
Please join us in extending a heartfelt ‘Thank You!’ to these businesses and organizations who are dedicated to improving the quality of life in our community.